Hey people......well, since everybody is starting to leave, especially the older youths,i think i'll just start my own blog so that they could keep in touch with us.....and also be updated with the events that will be happenng in our youth
As for the younger people.......i think its time that we really stand up and take up the role as leader's ....remember that we were made for a reason and that we have gifts......so let us all glorify God in whatever things we do...ALWAYS.. GOd Bless All OF You!!!
DAVID!!! WHY DO U HAVE TO PUT THE "..." THEN ONLY "LH-J" =) David, make sure u will always always always inform me about EVERYTHING that's going on in.. 412.. and your life haha.. after all, you're the loud speaker.. You should feel honoured !!! =) =)
erm...Quite nice man,Nice effort XD Keep oN!!
I couldn't believe that u have a blog!!!...anyway...since u started..keep up the good job..!! Kl boy needs some updates too
Apala, now blog becomes a trend d kah?
everyone is starting a blog eh?
well, u hve started one, be sure to keep updating it
but God, studies and family comes 1st
Jacky, you're starting to sound like a nanny.. or a mummy... :P hmmph
yeah Jacky you sound like a nanny !!!!!..... pls change!=)hehehhehe...just kidding don't cry ah~~
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